Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 10, Season XIII. This is our last Alphaday with a full agenda before we start closing down for the season. The one item that won’t be there next time is, of course, the challenge. We’ll get the brief for Ch.10 today and – oh, horror! – there won’t be another challenge for us to get our teeth into until September. So, make the most of it while you can. On the plus side we can look forward to the extra time we can devote to our personal writing; on the minus side we’ll definitely miss not having the regular stimulus and the feedback and discussions that go with it.
So here’s today’s agenda, faithfully put together by our trustworthy Alpha team and studded with writerly treats generously provided by all our members for everybody’s enjoyment and benefit.
- This bulletin from me
- The results of the poetry challenge from Sarah
- The collated entries for the scenery challenge from Suzanne
- The brief for challenge 10 from Zena
- The Log edited by Sally
- A prompt for the Writers’ Reads from Morgen
- A showcase piece presented by Suzanne (surely?!)
That looks mouth-watering to me. I hope the rest of you will agree and that you’ll have a pleasant time perusing the various items and commenting on the points that grab your attention.
Alpha News:
Sue has told me that she needs to take a back seat for the rest of this season. Her work keeps her too busy to contribute to Alpha activities and she’ll stay quietly in the wings until the end of the season.
Now while you have the full agenda right under your noses, please have a look at it. Those items represent the programme we decided to use for our Alpha activities this season. You can start getting out pen and paper and jot down some notes about each item on the agenda. Once we’ve finished our ten challenges we’ll discuss what we’d like to change, and what we want to keep for next season. I’ll send out a list of questions for you to answer – if such a list is useful, as all I need is your advice on what’s good for Alpha. I’ve got some ideas I’d like to put forward for your consideration… all in its own good time. Let’s enjoy our usual Alpha pleasures before we move on to thoughts for the future.
General news:
I stood on the coast of Normandy and waved goodbye to dear little Albion as it floated away westward into the Atlantic… all alone now, having cut the strings that tied it to the rest of Europe. A sad day it was, and I wish the lonesome island the best of luck in the future. Don’t forget to send us a postcard!
I liked an article I read that explained how Brexit first took place after the ice age when the sea gradually separated Britain from the surrounding land masses. Continents are still moving around on the globe, I believe. Australia for instance is slowly drifting north. Goodness knows where it will end up eventually!