Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 1, Season XIV.
Here’s to a new Alpha Season that we, as Alpha members, will give shape and substance to. We intend to make it the best Alpha season ever. What exactly we mean by this is somewhat unclear. But we know how to do it. We take a motley group of keen writers, ask them to write, critique, discuss and throw their latest ideas into the pot. The result will be a delicious hotchpotch with tangs of inspiration and motivation that’ll spark off the best in every one of us.
We do not teach. We learn. We want to make progress with our writing by exchanging thoughts and ideas with other writers. Bringing together a group of writers whose output and interests vary enormously liberates us from the narrow confines that afflict the proverbial writer stuck in solitary glory in an attic.
What we get out of the Alpha experience equals the sum of what we put into it. Our members are waiting – pens poised – to contribute to this season’s activities.