Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 10, Season XVI. Make the most of it, Alphas, as we’re nearing the point where we’ll be counting the various ‘last events’ of the season. We’re still going strong and enjoying the usual stimulating input prepared by our team and supported by contributions from the rest of us.
This Alphaday’s full agenda is as follows:
- This bulletin from me
- The results of the literary challenge from Stephen
- The collated entries for the ‘Fear’ challenge from Morgen
- The brief for Challenge 8 from Phil
- The Alpha Log 5 news from Phil
As you can see: it’s all there, ready to wing its way into your inbox in the course of this Alphaday. It’ll be our last regular challenge of the season as we’ll finish off with an exuberant Open Page flourish.
There’s no particular news from individual Alphas this time. Perhaps the Log will bring us some good news to celebrate on behalf of some happy Alphas. That would be most welcome.
General news.
It looks as if all cultural events are drowned out by the invasive – and frightening – corona virus pandemic. Something that’s so powerful as to cause the cancellation of everything from international book fairs to sports and even the Eurovision contest is (probably?) more scary than our worst imaginings for our latest challenge.
The most effective advice we’re given seems to be to practise social distancing. Our solitary garret where we hide from the world to write our masterpieces is shrinking fast. Outside there’s danger – an invisible threat that can be deadly. Stay at home and work from home if at all possible, we’re told.
That’s where we can enjoy our sociable Alpha activities that have always been based on communication via email. If we’re excluded from the grim reality outside our four walls we can turn to Alpha and keep up our usual friendly concentration on our shared interest in writing and all that that entails.
Let’s make the most of it.