Hi Alphas,
This is the moment we’ve been looking forward to. With a hint of a solemn ritual involving virtual tape-cutting while you all stand around expectantly, I hereby declare
Alpha Season XII
open, and welcome you all to join in the varied programme of writerly pursuits that we hope will stimulate you into exploring as many aspects of the art as we can fit into the 13 precious Alphadays.
It’s great to see all those of you again who made our last season so lively and interesting; it’s also lovely to have those who were temporarily absent last season back in the fray; and last, but not least, we’re pleased to welcome four newcomers into our midst with fresh ideas to liven up the group.
We’ll remember those who’re no longer with us; Margie with sadness; Geoff with our best wishes for future success.
There’s so much to say on the first day of a new season. It is of course, for us writers, just like that frightening and yet fascinating and all-absorbing entity known as “a blank page”. It’s up to us to fill it with something worthwhile… our best effort ever. We’ll try our hardest.
I’ll be brief here as I’ve been busy preparing a number of documents to introduce the season and our activities. I’ll send them out separately for your perusal. Please, take your time to study them in detail. I’ve tried to be concise and I hope you’ll find everything informative and useful.
You will receive the following information as attachments which you can file away safely for future reference:
- List of current members with email addresses
- Introducing our members and their responsibilities.
- A calendar of Season XII Alphadays
- A modus operandi for challenges
- An outline of Season XII activities
So, having welcomed you all to embark with me on Season XII, I shall end this bulletin with my best wishes for a stimulating and inspirational Alpha season.
The above list will gradually arrive in your in-boxes. Watch out for them!
I’m using the up-to-date group list for this season and hoping it reaches all 18 members without any hitches.