Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 6, the first Alphaday of 2015 and the very best Alphaday of the year so far. I’m imitating the weatherman here, who, on the evening of the 1st of January, proclaimed that day to have been the warmest day of the year so far. Of course these first days of 2015 offer the opportunity for a plethora of superlatives: The best piece of writing I’ve done this year; the most wonderful book, meal, experience etc of 2015 so far.
As long as we keep it positive and carefully avoid the dangers of the opposite ditch.
So this is the most fascinating Alphaday agenda so far of the year 2015:
This bulletin from me
- The LOG edited by me
- The results of the greetings card challenge from Rosemary
- The collated file of entries for the ‘Too many cooks’ challenge from Suzanne
- The brief for Challenge 6 from Stephen
- The showcase pieces with their own separate schedule from Suzanne
- The results of the Christmas Quiz from Olaf
Doesn’t that look like the most writerly stimulating day… all right, I’ll stop it.
We must get the Alpha decade book up and running. I’m sure most of you have ideas about what you’d like to contribute, and while New Year’s resolutions are still inspiring you to get things done, why not make this a priority? I look forward to your contributions.
I think the showcase pieces are a great asset to the Alpha repertory. It’s good for us to see and appreciate the creative work our members are capable of producing and at the same time give some helpful feedback.
We need more showcase pieces from you. Do send your contributions to Suzanne who’ll send them out for our perusal at regular intervals.
Let’s have a good writerly year together. As for the world, let’s hope for more peace, health and happiness for the many troubled people around the place.