Welcome to Alphaday 1 Season XV.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the three months since we last got together. I expect you’ve devoted much of your time to ‘life generally’, but no doubt you’ve been busy writing as well.
I wonder when you last got together with somebody who took a real, writerly interest in your writing? In my case that’s about three months ago, and yes, I’m referring to the Alpha season and our prolific writerly exchanges. Family and friends are lovely, but Alphas are writers and we care about our writing.
So, let’s get our 15th Alpha Season going. We’ll share our writing efforts and provide feedback that’ll stimulate us to write more and write better than ever before. The great thing about a group like ours is not that we’re all writers; it’s that we’re all very different writers, and this variety allows us an insight into aspects of writing that we never suspected even existed.