Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 11, Season XV. While I was doing my duty as your coordinator and busying myself coordinating the various items on today’s agenda, I caught myself committing a writerly faux-pas: the single word ‘last’ popped up more often than is compatible with a decent writing style.
We’re approaching the end of Season XV. There are only three Alphadays left after this one, and we will devote those to finishing outstanding tasks and doing our usual assessment of the season. I’ll send out a list of questions that I’d like you to answer, and you’ll suggest improvements and faults to be put right. You’re welcome to don your thinking hats and start considering our strengths and weaknesses.
But do not put your writing tools away just yet. We still have a very full schedule that will stir you into action for quite a while. As can be seen from the following agenda:
- This bulletin from me
- The results of the newspaper headline challenge from Zena
- The collated entries for the Location challenge from Phil
- A call for entries for The Open Page, 3rd edition from Christine
- A call for Log contributions from Sally
- A Writers’ Reads prompt from Morgen
All these goodies will pop into your inbox in the course of the day and although they may all have a whiff of that ‘last’ word about them there’s certainly enough to keep the Alpha cogs whirring productively.
There’s no particular Alpha news; we muddle on and enjoy what there is to enjoy.
The only event on the dramatic stage of this world that’s left a positive and uplifting glow in my mind is that 16-year-old Swedish girl with Asperger’s syndrome, Greta Thunberg, whose campaign for action to halt global warming has caught the entire world’s attention. She is passionate, intelligent and convincing when she talks and how can one do anything but applaud her brave efforts?
I did shed a tear when la Cathédrale de Notre Dame collapsed in flames, but the subsequent cash-rush somehow diminishes the tragedy.