Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 12, Season XVI. We’re nearing the end of the season and in these strange times when Covid-19 causes upheaval in everyone’s lives we will no doubt appreciate the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the writerly world of Alpha.
Today’s agenda may be reduced, but there’s still an abundance of writerly treats that will occupy your minds with positive, creative thoughts that we can share with like-minded enthusiasts of the art and intricacies of writing.
As follows:
- This bulletin from me
- The results of the Drabble challenge from Phil
- The collated entries for the Open Page, 3rd edition from Christine
- The Log with your writing news from Phil
- An overview of Writers’ Reads 6 from Linda
As usual this will all be delivered straight to your inbox in the course of the day. All you have to do is to enjoy the treats and let them stimulate you into action as I’m sure they will somehow or other.
I have no particular Alpha news and expect there’ll be plenty in the Log.
The general news is dominated by the Covid-19 situation which we’ll have to live with for quite a long time, I suspect. Can the fear of a deadly virus turn us all into sociophobic hermits? Will the amount of art diffused via the media create a discerning population of art lovers? Or will too much of everything make people skim surfaces without taking anything in? Documentaries would replace travelling; robots would deliver all goods to households; beards would grow unchecked and comfortable kaftans would be worn by all as we turn into modern, screen-addicted cave-dwellers. The crisis we’re going through is rife with material for dystopian speculations – some more wildly exotic than others; none very comfortable for those who long for the good old days; or for those who fear that the resulting poverty could kill even more people than the virus is capable of.
Let’s just be writers and be creative. We can, if we try, adorn our own lives – perhaps other lives as well – by our creativity.