Hi Alphas,
Welcome to Alphaday 5, Season XVI. We’re making good progress – through the Alpha Season for starters, and that implies nothing more than following the programme as set. The more vague ambition is that we’re also making good progress in absorbing something that will help our ability to assess and improve our personal progress as writers. That is our main aim, and with everyone’s combined input I believe it works.
Today’s agenda is certainly full of inspirational treats. As follows:
Alphaday 5 Season XVI agenda:
- This bulletin from me
- Results and feedback for The Open Page 1st edition from Christine
- The collated entries for the dialogue challenge from Suzanne
- The brief for Challenge 4 from Martin
- A Writers’ Reads prompt from guest host, Jackie
- A call for Log contributions from Phil
There should be plenty in that lot to keep your attention for a while and to spur you on to start preparing our next Alphaday.
The Alpha news is that all’s just about fine. Phil is nearing the end of the NanoWrimo experience and will no doubt tell us how he got on. Gloria has moved house and is unpacking boxes. England is soggy and cold for some poor Alphas and Australia is on fire for another. Luckily she’s safe, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is in good nick.
In fact it’s interesting to see how ordinary people are reacting to the global crisis. Too many politicians are more interested in trade deals, Brexit, immigration, wars and their popularity in the polls to put the threat to the planet at the top of their agenda.
I think we’ll see popular movements and the efforts of individuals becoming increasingly prominent. The pop group that cancelled a concert tour round the world is a good example. The demand for electric cars (that made the price of second-hand ones rise) is another. Vegans and vegetarians have a stronger argument than their objection to the killing of animals to put forward. And so it goes on. I believe a lot of people who’d never thought of becoming involved in ‘causes’ have picked up habits – even minor things – that will reduce their guilty participation in polluting the planet.
Popular movements these days can surge and become very powerful. Will this one?